This transaction sent 0.00472112 and paid 0.00189888 in fees. The fee amounted to 40% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 2023-05-08 16:56:39, the amount transferred was worth US$131.72 and the fee was US$52.98. The amount is currently worth US$321.92 with a fee of US$129.48.

TXID d28e877614766249bca496f0f23d383b92115ffed05d5598c81f0a5d0f4450a1
Received Time 2023-05-08 16:56:39 UTC 2023-05-08 16:56:39
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00472112 = 472,112 satoshis
Fee 0.00189888 = 189,888 satoshis
Amount US$ $131.72
Fee US$ $52.98
Fee Percentage 40 %
Fee per vByte 368 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$27,900.10
Block 788821
Block Hash 00000000000000000000f25f72c3695849a1a53fead161d2c217f74e38a202ea
Recipients 10
Address: bc1qhxpksalfzntep5swlmcrjvpep6ckh2hs38thmr
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1p6y52rv4dyx00zjkd7q2sdk0j05vnhn8l9tg46sjxlp6puffcwujq4c2zw4
Received: 0.00052434 = 52,434 sats
Valued at: $14.63
Address: bc1qfgzt3uur4dggp8669ns85ajymsupwm3wktwzrv
Received: 0.00052094 = 52,094 sats
Valued at: $14.53
Blunder of the Month
TXID 905605d3...c95766f4
Received Time 2024-07-05 21:55:10 UTC 3 weeks ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00791931 $448.27
Fee 0.01172399 $663.64
See Details