This transaction sent 0.00643374 and paid 0.00248560 in fees. The fee amounted to 39% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 11 months ago, the amount transferred was worth US$179.50 and the fee was US$69.35. The amount is currently worth US$415.30 with a fee of US$160.45.

TXID c6a94d7968a84d611fd2157971c5fdc1ec98f941a1a2328e47150e30aa910d34
Received Time 2023-05-08 16:54:30 UTC 11 months ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00643374 = 643,374 satoshis
Fee 0.00248560 = 248,560 satoshis
Amount US$ $179.50
Fee US$ $69.35
Fee Percentage 39 %
Fee per vByte 482 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$27,900.10
Block 788812
Block Hash 00000000000000000002285407e220001a672e940ad50d9ecc13499c188250c0
Recipients 10
Address: bc1pygfyhqxuclkgsv9atqx5q9m9g0d52lyqa02xayqxh8x22eeaqahqgc2jgx
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pue38p2pe5m2ndynykm60m8ka8j9ckdl77sk9chf0w6s0c099f4aqkfhulz
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1phgc7xk2zpr9r98e39da4ssvpkrapwlrnex2fg349y7qtfnejw6pqqjhspg
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pygfyhqxuclkgsv9atqx5q9m9g0d52lyqa02xayqxh8x22eeaqahqgc2jgx
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pygfyhqxuclkgsv9atqx5q9m9g0d52lyqa02xayqxh8x22eeaqahqgc2jgx
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pue38p2pe5m2ndynykm60m8ka8j9ckdl77sk9chf0w6s0c099f4aqkfhulz
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pe8rg2lrpz4kp7s9w0mjtpndurjdgnh0w0hnux3hqch5uxyrru8nqcc8gfy
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1p3z6vwvphj6aa6uz42frlqkfmal720uj2adj5wqhw7g0a8hwyqqzsphptd4
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1pygfyhqxuclkgsv9atqx5q9m9g0d52lyqa02xayqxh8x22eeaqahqgc2jgx
Received: 0.00071386 = 71,386 sats
Valued at: $19.92
Address: bc1p5e5j2zkhzdac3mz4p4zxmrf5ujcl5ycxwf6vxcn5d85gt6g8g0jq86x3fp
Received: 0.00000900 = 900 sats
Valued at: $0.25
Blunder of the Week
TXID 76338444...876ee3e6
Received Time 2024-04-22 09:19:36 UTC 3 days ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00228400 $151.06
Fee 0.08956400 $5,923.52
See Details
Blunder of the Month
TXID 76338444...876ee3e6
Received Time 2024-04-22 09:19:36 UTC 3 days ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00228400 $151.06
Fee 0.08956400 $5,923.52
See Details