This transaction sent 0.01698311 and paid 0.00808241 in fees. The fee amounted to 48% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 2023-05-08 16:52:11, the amount transferred was worth US$473.52 and the fee was US$225.35. The amount is currently worth US$1,157.54 with a fee of US$550.88.

TXID b5cb9b5de033570c7b642db6178052c9afa9af5aa78b300a988c591e60b17a91
Received Time 2023-05-08 16:52:11 UTC 2023-05-08 16:52:11
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.01698311 = 1,698,311 satoshis
Fee 0.00808241 = 808,241 satoshis
Amount US$ $473.52
Fee US$ $225.35
Fee Percentage 48 %
Fee per vByte 614 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$27,881.60
Block 788858
Block Hash 00000000000000000002865b337886a832c6405af98cb3b7082b2e10874dd497
Recipients 13
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1pg3gr0uxzepck2kpxkphk5pdz4xk0n4gmf0j4u4n8vpqaxajuhe5qur03l6
Received: 0.01691759 = 1,691,759 sats
Valued at: $471.69
Blunder of the Month
TXID 905605d3...c95766f4
Received Time 2024-07-05 21:55:10 UTC 3 weeks ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00791931 $448.27
Fee 0.01172399 $663.64
See Details