This transaction sent 0.00100000 and paid 0.15405474 in fees. The fee amounted to 15,405% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 2022-03-30 12:23:34, the amount transferred was worth US$47.22 and the fee was US$7,274.79. The amount is currently worth US$68.19 with a fee of US$10,504.98.

TXID a39840766655bcba7659a76d1ce8df2f90d33dc68339ce4af8abb8f66c121517
Received Time 2022-03-30 12:23:34 UTC 2022-03-30 12:23:34
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00100000 = 100,000 satoshis
Fee 0.15405474 = 15,405,474 satoshis
Amount US$ $47.22
Fee US$ $7,274.79
Fee Percentage 15,405 %
Fee per vByte 6,041 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$47,222.10
Block 729697
Block Hash 000000000000000000023ecc6572b83cf1a6880cf401e879c1601443f0bb2867
Recipients 1
Address: 19HBjvQRq6sExcPf7YG4W5oPF52ifYru42
Received: 0.00100000 = 100,000 sats
Valued at: $47.22
Blunder of the Month
TXID 905605d3...c95766f4
Received Time 2024-07-05 21:55:10 UTC 3 weeks ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00791931 $448.27
Fee 0.01172399 $663.64
See Details