This transaction sent 0.00151140 and paid 0.00236505 in fees. The fee amounted to 156% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 2023-05-08 16:54:39, the amount transferred was worth US$42.17 and the fee was US$65.99. The amount is currently worth US$103.12 with a fee of US$161.37.

TXID 762ad74f65ff1ada49a2702a813fea15d106352a59c1b9a57cbca224d37c12a4
Received Time 2023-05-08 16:54:39 UTC 2023-05-08 16:54:39
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00151140 = 151,140 satoshis
Fee 0.00236505 = 236,505 satoshis
Amount US$ $42.17
Fee US$ $65.99
Fee Percentage 156 %
Fee per vByte 593 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$27,900.10
Block 788812
Block Hash 00000000000000000002285407e220001a672e940ad50d9ecc13499c188250c0
Recipients 5
Address: bc1p2yuye5qc42l5ugtk2efazgdrrjzucral3lt4yglpvy988d587tlqevkutk
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.17
Address: bc1ph363rnh6plty296d9tzpl54mct6twk9xu4x54sp964g0yzplmhtqtp0z7p
Received: 0.00139646 = 139,646 sats
Valued at: $38.96
Address: bc1p2yuye5qc42l5ugtk2efazgdrrjzucral3lt4yglpvy988d587tlqevkutk
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.15
Address: bc1p6yd49679azsaxqgtr52ff6jjvj2wv5dlaqwhaxarkamevgle2jaqs8vlnr
Received: 0.00004049 = 4,049 sats
Valued at: $1.13
Address: bc1pcmn0l7w382ygvpehvtz57n2r75l5j7nyzkq54lf8zr3pm48y0aesh4pd96
Received: 0.00006299 = 6,299 sats
Valued at: $1.76
Blunder of the Month
TXID 905605d3...c95766f4
Received Time 2024-07-05 21:55:10 UTC 3 weeks ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00791931 $448.27
Fee 0.01172399 $663.64
See Details