This transaction sent 0.00551805 and paid 0.00315168 in fees. The fee amounted to 57% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 4 months ago, the amount transferred was worth US$365.15 and the fee was US$208.56. The amount is currently worth US$347.61 with a fee of US$198.54.

TXID 5d8618dd87c74a7a64adac8363d09853e8425de5684173019da8674ec95289da
Received Time 2024-04-22 13:59:19 UTC 4 months ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00551805 = 551,805 satoshis
Fee 0.00315168 = 315,168 satoshis
Amount US$ $365.15
Fee US$ $208.56
Fee Percentage 57 %
Fee per vByte 147 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$66,174.20
Block 840352
Block Hash 00000000000000000001ec813b10d1ab99d1be458154caeedfd818ed9cd82069
Recipients 25
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00008400 = 8,400 sats
Valued at: $5.56
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000546 = 546 sats
Valued at: $0.36
Address: bc1pwmjs8sz48236uvdugxl2v3h8lcwhjqyjha45uj73xqprzp7qvj3qywazgu
Received: 0.00030396 = 30,396 sats
Valued at: $20.11
Address: bc1q0xuxxqt33vz6qz4l9xv86lr032q29nlrzl04hg
Received: 0.00034376 = 34,376 sats
Valued at: $22.75
Address: 3GWaQXDGFYRFXMtGK3RC88orKoQX5n8Czv
Received: 0.00034376 = 34,376 sats
Valued at: $22.75
Address: bc1qm2hjadz3jhmnr2hxkzrqph3jtn4yaz97tvyp0s
Received: 0.00034376 = 34,376 sats
Valued at: $22.75
Address: bc1qm2hjadz3jhmnr2hxkzrqph3jtn4yaz97tvyp0s
Received: 0.00034376 = 34,376 sats
Valued at: $22.75
Address: bc1qm2hjadz3jhmnr2hxkzrqph3jtn4yaz97tvyp0s
Received: 0.00034376 = 34,376 sats
Valued at: $22.75
Address: 3FjVcsHggw4iFfwoEFbrtsggdZAJ7Wm7iQ
Received: 0.00029401 = 29,401 sats
Valued at: $19.46
Address: 3P4WqXDbSLRhzo2H6MT6YFbvBKBDPLbVtQ
Received: 0.00005725 = 5,725 sats
Valued at: $3.79
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.40
Address: bc1ppvf63vg884gw08zuxw8sdlmdv0u60styfyhjkr4rsj005enxqk7qx0gycz
Received: 0.00297381 = 297,381 sats
Valued at: $196.79
Blunder of the Day
TXID deb72ee4...eed04552
Received Time 2024-09-20 06:46:31 UTC 18 hours ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00010000 $6.38
Fee 0.00197280 $125.83
See Details
Blunder of the Week
TXID deb72ee4...eed04552
Received Time 2024-09-20 06:46:31 UTC 18 hours ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00010000 $6.38
Fee 0.00197280 $125.83
See Details
Blunder of the Month
TXID 6eeccebc...4ac10252
Received Time 2024-08-29 01:27:26 UTC 3 weeks ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.02287073 $1,350.12
Fee 0.01237500 $730.53
See Details