This transaction sent 0.70495610 and paid 0.10589040 in fees. The fee amounted to 15% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 2022-02-25 12:11:36, the amount transferred was worth US$27,460.15 and the fee was US$4,124.75. The amount is currently worth US$44,911.77 with a fee of US$6,746.13.

TXID 0a92341d8428ece6794c55b3ff6d8c769cb01a840b84d6f40f5aeb796d0a42fa
Received Time 2022-02-25 12:11:36 UTC 2022-02-25 12:11:36
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.70495610 = 70,495,610 satoshis
Fee 0.10589040 = 10,589,040 satoshis
Amount US$ $27,460.15
Fee US$ $4,124.75
Fee Percentage 15 %
Fee per vByte 260 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$38,953.00
Block 724870
Block Hash 0000000000000000000042ca50c2c4febcef70ab937e7e4d616d86be725fcf24
Recipients 1
Address: bc1qcfv2czh060czw64sk7e0vay6q4rf26efff7ym2
Received: 0.70495610 = 70,495,610 sats
Valued at: $27,460.15
Blunder of the Month
TXID 90179e20...f38d259a
Received Time 2024-04-11 21:55:54 UTC 1 week ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00467971 $331.68
Fee 0.04542868 $3,219.83
See Details